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Synthesis– Ditching the Training Wheels

Of all the questions I’ve fielded through dozens of media interviews since the release of The Synthesis Effect, Your Direct Path to Personal Power and Transformation,  ( the one I get most often is, ” Just what does Synthesis do,...

S.M.A.R.T. Goals and the Law of Attraction

       S.M.A.R.T Goals and the Law of Attraction Wow, it’s February already! Let me start by expressing my appreciation to everyone out there who reached out with their comments and questions regarding S.M.A.R.T goals and creating change for themselves. While...

I Resolve to__________ How to Succeed, Once and For All!

Almost all of us have “stuff” in our lives we’d like to change. We want to be happier, healthier, attract more abundance, have better relationships, build self confidence, feel more joyful, be less stressed, and have more fun. And along about now, just before almost...

An Exclusive Offer for Readers of The Synthesis Effect!

Happy Holidays !! An Exclusive Offer for readers of The Synthesis Effect; Give the Gift of Personal Empowerment!  I am absolutely delighted to see so many people read and enjoy The Synthesis Effect this year! My heartfelt thanks for all the great reviews and...

What Is Personal Coaching?

Are you feeling stuck in your life, and wondering how to get past it? Do you ever feel like you’ve got tons of questions and not enough answers? Is it difficult to plan your next move, or even more important, see the bigger strategy? If your answer to any one or...