by John McGrail | May 24, 2013 | Blog
Synthesis & the Four Agreements Day 1 The Big Picture As a practicing clinical hypnotherapist and self empowerment expert I’ve read hundreds of books covering the entire spectrum of human dynamics and the subject of self-improvement, and over an extensive...
by John McGrail | Apr 18, 2013 | Blog
Spirit in Action A big part of the Synthesis process, perhaps the major part, is establishing physical, emotional and spiritual balance; it is the key to a client’s successfully creating change and transformation in their life, regardless of the nature of the issue...
by John McGrail | Mar 25, 2013 | Blog
Hi there If you missed my chat with John Fortuna on his show That’s What He Said, you can still tune in; we had a great interview and discussed many aspects of personal growth and empowerment. Just click this link:...
by John McGrail | Mar 16, 2013 | Blog
Smoking Cessation: Quitting Fast & for Good with Hypnosis and Synthesis I work with between 50 and 150 smokers every year and the success rate for my clients is extremely high, over 90% in just one session. While hypnosis is big part of the program, I have...
by John McGrail | Mar 4, 2013 | Blog
Whenever I do a workshop or seminar, or even a presentation on creating change and personal growth, I almost invariably am asked about this nebulous and cliche notion around the power of positive thinking. Is it...
by John McGrail | Feb 21, 2013 | Blog
There is a common denominator among all the clients and workshop students I work with, and that is the desire for change—the desire to resolve and vanquish whatever issue(s) or block(s) they feel is/are holding them back from the quality of life they desire to...
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