Synthesis & the Four Agreements
Day 1 The Big Picture
As a practicing clinical hypnotherapist and self empowerment expert I’ve read hundreds of books covering the entire spectrum of human dynamics and the subject of self-improvement, and over an extensive variety of subjects and perspectives— biology, anthropology, psychology, theology, spirituality, philosophy, physics, metaphysics, even mysticism. Not only have I read hundreds of books by other authors, I even wrote one myself: The Synthesis Effect, Your Direct Path to Personal Power and Transformation, which introduced my clinically proven, Synthesis methods, models and techniques for creating personal change and transforming one’s life both quickly and profoundly.
As you might imagine, many of my clients and workshop students also read these sorts of books, and quite often, while we’re in the process of using Synthesis to help them create the change and personal growth they aspire to, I am asked for my opinions on the veracity of books, methods and teaching from other experts and authors, and also how to relate or reconcile Synthesis (or not) with such works. One of the titles that has come up very frequently lately—too often to be coincidence in my view—is Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements, A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, (1997-2012, Amber-Allen Publishing.) It has come up so often that I thought it worthy of a blog post.
Can/Do Synthesis and The Four Agreements work together? In a word, YES, and quite well! Here’s why— Much of the philosophy, models and techniques behind Synthesis are based in the philosophy, wisdom and spirituality of ancient and Native cultures from around the globe, especially our Native Americans and Australian Aboriginals. The Four Agreements is based upon Toltec philosophy and wisdom, which “is and was the basis of thought, practices, philosophy, healing and enlightenment of Lemuria, Atlantis, Babylon, New Egypt, Taoism, Buddhism, Mayan culture, Aztec culture, Aboriginal tribes of New Zealand, Australia, Africa, South America, Central America, Native American Shamans, Hawaiian Kahunas and many more through out history and the present.” (2013, So, I guess you could say there seems to be a natural congruence. These agreements fit especially nicely in ith to the cognitive, conscious models of Synthesis. And all change begins there.
Second, I unequivocally hold that any technique or method used for personal growth ought to be as simple and doable as possible. If it isn’t, then the seeker of change will likely not stay with it long enough or consistently enough to make the changes happen and actually stick. I would name The Four Agreements as one of my all-time very favorite books on self-empowerment and one of the biggest reasons centers on the elegance I find in its simplicity— it’s style, message and method are simple and very, very doable.
Still, as they say, whoever they are, the proof is in the pudding. And so, over the course of the next few days we’ll take a look at each of Don Miguel’s Four Agreements and see just how they fit with, relate to and integrate into the process of Synthesis and creating what I call practical enlightenment, living life virtually free of suffering. We’ll begin tomorrow with Agreement One: Be impeccable with your word. I hope you’ll tune in. I think this will help you use models and techniques of Synthesis even more powerfully than ever.
Dr. John
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