Get the Picture?

A lot of people are curious about how I do what I do– helping people bring change into their lives or what I call changing your reality; creating the life or reality you want instead of settling for the one you think you’re stuck with.In truth, making life changes–big or small–is a simple process, and it always, always requires changing the way our mind is working. Everything in our reality, good or bad happy or sad, positive or negative begins in the mind. Hypnotherapy and my Synthesis process all help to make those mind changes happen as quickly as possible, but as powerful as all the tools and methods may be, what MUST precede all that is having a clear understanding or “picture” of what it is you’re wanting.
This notion may seem ridiculously obvious, and you’d be amazed at how many clients come to see me without that vital piece of the puzzle. They’re often not even aware of it until I ask them (in their first session) something like, “What do you want to accomplish through our work together?” They might answer with something like, “I want to be happier, or more successful,” or “I want to feel worthy of having ________.” I then ask, “Well what does that mean to you, how will you know when you get there?” Quite often, the response to that question is a puzzled look sometimes combined with, “I don’t really know.” BUMMER– If you don’t know exactly what you want, how are you going to create it?
And that’s what this episode is all about; how to begin the process of change, any change. It must and always begins with creating a very clear image or picture of what it is you want. How are you are going to look, what will it feel like, and how will you know when you get “it” whatever your “it” is. Enjoy!
This notion may seem ridiculously obvious, and you’d be amazed at how many clients come to see me without that vital piece of the puzzle. They’re often not even aware of it until I ask them (in their first session) something like, “What do you want to accomplish through our work together?” They might answer with something like, “I want to be happier, or more successful,” or “I want to feel worthy of having ________.” I then ask, “Well what does that mean to you, how will you know when you get there?” Quite often, the response to that question is a puzzled look sometimes combined with, “I don’t really know.” BUMMER– If you don’t know exactly what you want, how are you going to create it?
And that’s what this episode is all about; how to begin the process of change, any change. It must and always begins with creating a very clear image or picture of what it is you want. How are you are going to look, what will it feel like, and how will you know when you get “it” whatever your “it” is. Enjoy!
Please send in your your questions and comments and I will get to as many as I can. As always, if it’s a personal question you will receive a personal, and confidential response. And thanks in advance for sharing this with your peeps.
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