Spirit in Action
Spirit in Action A big part of the Synthesis process, perhaps the major part, is establishing physical, emotional and spiritual balance; it is the key to a client’s successfully creating change and transformation in their life, regardless of the nature of the issue...
read moreThat's What He Said– A Great Chat About Personal Empowerment
Hi there If you missed my chat with John Fortuna on his show That's What He Said, you can still tune in; we had a great interview and discussed many aspects of personal growth and empowerment. Just click this link:...
read moreHow to Quit Smoking Fast with Synthesis– Greg's Story
Smoking Cessation: Quitting Fast & for Good with Hypnosis and Synthesis I work with between 50 and 150 smokers every year and the success rate for my clients is extremely high, over 90% in just one session. While hypnosis is big part of the program, I have...
read morePositive Thinking: Is There Really any Power?
Whenever I do a workshop or seminar, or even a presentation on creating change and personal growth, I almost invariably am asked about this nebulous and cliche notion around the power of positive thinking. Is it...
read more5 "Quick: Tips to Happiness
There is a common denominator among all the clients and workshop students I work with, and that is the desire for change—the desire to resolve and vanquish whatever issue(s) or block(s) they feel is/are holding them back from the quality of life they desire to...
read moreSynthesis– Ditching the Training Wheels
Of all the questions I've fielded through dozens of media interviews since the release of The Synthesis Effect, Your Direct Path to Personal Power and Transformation, ( the one I get most often is, " Just what does Synthesis do, how does it...
read moreS.M.A.R.T. Goals and the Law of Attraction
S.M.A.R.T Goals and the Law of Attraction Wow, it's February already! Let me start by expressing my appreciation to everyone out there who reached out with their comments and questions regarding S.M.A.R.T goals and creating change for themselves. While the...
read moreResolutions Too: More Tips for Success; Thinking S.M.A.R.T.
It's now a week into the new year and this is when we usually start to see the first chinks in the armor of our new resolutions--those promises to ourselves to make a positive change in our life-- start to show up. And all I can say so far is, this year not so much,...
read moreI Resolve to__________ How to Succeed, Once and For All!
Almost all of us have “stuff” in our lives we’d like to change. We want to be happier, healthier, attract more abundance, have better relationships, build self confidence, feel more joyful, be less stressed, and have more fun. And along about now, just before almost...
read moreAn Exclusive Offer for Readers of The Synthesis Effect!
Happy Holidays !! An Exclusive Offer for readers of The Synthesis Effect; Give the Gift of Personal Empowerment! I am absolutely delighted to see so many people read and enjoy The Synthesis Effect this year! My heartfelt thanks for all the great reviews and...
read moreAs I mentioned in our last episode, one of the first items on the agenda for any new reader, client, group of workshop students or an audience at a speaking engagement is to learn about what I call Rule #1: Life is Supposed to be Fun! A lot of people misinterpret or misunderstand what living Rule # 1 is supposed to mean or feel like.
At first this surprised me until I realized that for most people the word, “fun” generally connotes thoughts of “pleasure” and “play” and, of course, the idea of a life filled with only pleasure and play is both unrealistic and difficult for anyone to fathom; most of us have to work for a living, and we have responsibilities we have to fulfill etc. So what is the right meaning for ”fun’ as it applies to the Rule?
I mentioned this last time, but think it’s worth repeating; the best word might be “enjoyable.” Fair enough, yet that still often results in a sideways look of question and doubt. Truthfully, I suppose that’s not too surprising when one considers just how many folks have issues that hold them back and make their lives anything but enjoyable.
So with that in mind, and right on the heels of our last episode, “Solving the Riddle,” let’s take a closer look at Rule #1, which I still stand by: Life ISSupposed to be Fun; and it can be, I promise. All it takes is two simple steps. Click on the happy face below and enjoy!
Media Events
Remember, you can find all the past episodes and a lot more video content on my You-Tube channel, John McGrail. Please subscribe and don’t keep me a secret. As always, thanks for watching and if you like either of both of these pieces, please share them. I greatly appreciate it!
As always, I welcome your questions and comments and I will get to as many as I can, usually all of them, and respond to personal requests with a confidential, personal response. Till next time…