What Is Personal Coaching?
Are you feeling stuck in your life, and wondering how to get past it? Do you ever feel like you've got tons of questions and not enough answers? Is it difficult to plan your next move, or even more important, see the bigger strategy? If your answer to any one or more...
read moreMy Interview On Atlanta's Paul Leslie Hour!
I recently had the great pleasure of being a guest on Atlanta's Paul Leslie Hour the other day. I often contend that we as a society are getting more curious about how to live a more empowered life and reestablishing our emotional physical and spiritual balance, and...
read more5 Ways to Avoid the Holiday Bloat
You can feel it; it’s just around the corner— the holidays—that quintessential, intensely wonderful time of year from Thanksgiving through New Years (some might say through Super bowl Sunday) where we celebrate! We give thanks for our largess, reaffirm our faith,...
read moreMother Nature Brings Our Best; 5 Tips to Keep it Going
This week has been a roller coaster for just about all of us as we either faced the vicious and capricious wrath of Super-Storm Sandy/current Nor'easter Storm, in a way just as worse, helplessly stood by and watched it unfold on live TV as our friends and loved ones...
read moreCelebrity Breakups … They Are Just Like Us.
Interesting piece in the Huffington Post regarding celebs feeling depressed after divorce or splitting up with a significant other. We tend to put celebrities on a pedestal of idealism; they are beautiful, talented, wealthy, and seem to be living the American dream....
read moreOvercoming Procrastination; What Are You Waiting For?
Ask any random group of people what they’d like to change in their life and chances are you will hear a great list of worthy goals: Find a new job, better relationships, make more money, stop smoking, lose weight, build confidence, de-clutter my life, etc. Chances are...
read moreConquering the Obesity Syndrome
A couple of days ago Time magazine reported that an independent research organization, Trust for America’s Health, predicts that by the year 2030— within half a generation—the obesity rate in this country will exceed 44%, in all 50 states! That equates to almost 140...
read moreThree Keys to Peaceful Relations: at Work, at School, at Home, or at Play
Most everyone is aware of the feisty feud between the dueling divas, Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj this past week; who, if we are to believe the celeb-centric tabloids and press, were sniping at one another almost before they got started working together. Of course, we...
read moreQuit Smoking the “Easy” Way
With the publication of my new article, “Hypnosis, Nature’s Swiss Army Knife” in the fall edition of BrainWorld Magazine, I’ve been getting a lot of inquiries regarding the use of hypnosis for creating behavioral and habitual change, and a LOT of those have been in...
read moreThe Joy of Transcendence
Watching two great athletes this weekend, Peyton Manning and Andy Murray reminded me how wonderful the human spirit can be. To overcome adversity, fear, doubts, even history, and emerge triumphant is what it’s all about. Sure they have the help of personal coaches,...
read moreAs I mentioned in our last episode, one of the first items on the agenda for any new reader, client, group of workshop students or an audience at a speaking engagement is to learn about what I call Rule #1: Life is Supposed to be Fun! A lot of people misinterpret or misunderstand what living Rule # 1 is supposed to mean or feel like.
At first this surprised me until I realized that for most people the word, “fun” generally connotes thoughts of “pleasure” and “play” and, of course, the idea of a life filled with only pleasure and play is both unrealistic and difficult for anyone to fathom; most of us have to work for a living, and we have responsibilities we have to fulfill etc. So what is the right meaning for ”fun’ as it applies to the Rule?
I mentioned this last time, but think it’s worth repeating; the best word might be “enjoyable.” Fair enough, yet that still often results in a sideways look of question and doubt. Truthfully, I suppose that’s not too surprising when one considers just how many folks have issues that hold them back and make their lives anything but enjoyable.
So with that in mind, and right on the heels of our last episode, “Solving the Riddle,” let’s take a closer look at Rule #1, which I still stand by: Life ISSupposed to be Fun; and it can be, I promise. All it takes is two simple steps. Click on the happy face below and enjoy!
Media Events
Remember, you can find all the past episodes and a lot more video content on my You-Tube channel, John McGrail. Please subscribe and don’t keep me a secret. As always, thanks for watching and if you like either of both of these pieces, please share them. I greatly appreciate it!
As always, I welcome your questions and comments and I will get to as many as I can, usually all of them, and respond to personal requests with a confidential, personal response. Till next time…