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obesity, obesity blog

A couple of days ago Time magazine reported that an independent research organization, Trust for America’s Health, predicts that by the year 2030— within half a generation—the obesity rate in this country will exceed 44%, in all 50 states! That equates to almost 140 million people if the current population stays stable at 2011 levels.

I find that number pretty scary. In fact, reading this article evoked an image of the human race as depicted in one of my very favorite movies, Wall-E (Pixar Films, 2008). In the film, we humans have trashed the Earth beyond livability and have fled to a space station where technology tends to our every need— full-on instant gratification— and we the people have become a bunch of immobile, helpless blubber-blobs.

While we laugh at such depictions it is a somewhat nervous laugh because laughter is a great tool for denial and rationalization. Inwardly, we are afraid that it could happen; and now, bang, the stats show that it may well, and pretty soon, too. Yikes! So, are we all doomed? In a word, no. Can this be reversed? In a word, yes. But, how?
The natural way to lose weight is quite simple; burn more fuel than you ingest; i.e., simply change your behavior—eat well and move more. That’s it, nothing more to it. Why then, don’t or can’t people just do it? Because there are almost always underlying, subconscious emotional/behavioral issues (programs) that fuel the propensity to become and stay overweight or obese to begin with, and until addressed and resolved, these issues will block the choices to eat well and move more for a long enough period to have an effect.

Let’s pop open the hood and take a look at overweight and obesity from inside the head and take a look at some of the most common emotional/behavioral issues/programs and limiting beliefs (I call them disconnections) that underlie my clients’ chronic overweight or obesity behaviors—
• Eating too much of the wrong foods and leading very sedentary lives, e.g. kids used to go out, run around and play; now they sit on their little duffs doing video games and eating junk; they have very fit thumbs, and quickly expanding little duffs. Their default life-script becomes to sit and not do.
• Low self-esteem
• Feeling unloved,
• Fear of intimacy— the excess weight acts as a protective shield
• Chronic guilt
• Chronic stress
• Lack of self-discipline
• Chronic anger, frustration, or resentment
• Fear of loss of control
Once these issues in whatever combination they appear are resolved— and they are all resolvable—making the choices of eating well and moving more become not only easy, but also compelling; the weight melts away, easily and relatively effortlessly. You don’t lose it; you release it. I’ve seen this transformation occur over and over again, and I’ve seen it happen in as few as two to four sessions, with a resulting loss of 85-120 pounds.

I like to think of weight release as a secondary effect of what I call learning to be chronically and terminally very kind to yourself—not indulgent necessarily, but very kind. As I like to say to my clients, we don’t do weight loss, we do self-kindness. Notice that it’s self- kindness, not from some outside source, but from within yourself.

Try it; I know you’ll like it. And if you need a little help in learning how to do it, the help is out there. All you have to do is reach for it; it’s a decision you will never regret. Remember Rule #1: Life is supposed to be fun and creating a leaner and lighter, more energized you will be just that; a lot of fun. Then you can watch and laugh at Wall-E with relief! Now that’s the ticket, indeed.